Pretend you didn't see anything.

The carriages started to move about. Just at this moment, Ozul sensed something peculiar.

It was the same feeling of unrest that he gets from coming into contact with bright light. However, it was more than just a bright light.

To find the source of this emotion, Ozul looked around only to see the carriage engraved with magical runes passing right by him.

Though it was faint, Ozul remembered that he had the same feeling when looking at the girl that he had seen just the other day.

He wasn't able to probe inside the carriage, but Ozul was sure that the one sitting inside was somehow related to that girl. She could be very well sitting inside herself.

No matter how interesting it was to guess who sat inside the carriage, Ozul got past that curiosity only after a few moments.

Although he forgot about that matter under a few seconds, someone else couldn't.

Inside the carriage, there was a whole different scene.