
"Alright," Ozul muttered before he turned towards the drake, which was about to start its onslaught.


Raven and Blaze released a sigh of relief when they confirmed that Ozul was really going to intervene.

"It was all your fault! It would be best if you hadn't said that in the first place," Raven put all the blame on Blaze.

"What? But didn't you say the exact same-" Blaze was cut off in the middle when he looked at Raven cracking her fist joints.

"I meant that it is all my fault, and I should've known better." Blaze suddenly changed his tone and smiled towards Raven, who nodded her head and just focused her attention back on Ozul.

Because of constantly training with Raven without using any spells, Blaze was aware of how scary Raven could sometimes be. 

"Tch! What devil's spawn or the demon!? This woman is the real devil," Blaze muttered under his breath.