His reasons.

At this time, Hanry finally could not take it. He approached Ozul and said, "Young man, if you don't want the bodies, we are willing to buy them at any price that you ask!"

Although Hanry did not have any funds at hand, he was sure that Clara's family would not miss the chance to buy drakes' corpses.

Moreover, the bodies were in an almost perfect condition. There were no unnecessary wounds or injuries that would decrease the value of them. So, Hanry was anxious to seal the deal before Ozul really buried the bodies.

However, Hanry had forgotten to consider one point. If Ozul really wanted money, it would still be profitable to sell the corpses anywhere. Burying them only meant that he did not care about money in this situation at all.

"I am not selling them," Ozul replied with a cold tone. Just because he did not say, it did not mean that he enjoyed repeating his words so much.

"But are you sure? We can-"