Better to forget about it.

Cyril thought that only more humiliation awaited them now, so he urged Ozul to kill them.

Surprisingly, Mark did not have any obvious reaction to his statement. Although his eyes did not contain the same shame that Cyril's had, it did have the same resolution.

Ozul realized how long friends they had been for just by this confident gesture.

"You ask for death so as not to face disgrace?" Ozul asked curiously.

Like a dead man standing, Cyril sluggishly nodded his head as if he had given up already. For him, there was no chance of escaping alive after incurring the wrath of a Rank-9 Mage.

From the last clash, he had concluded that Ozul was indeed a Rank-9 for some ridiculous reasons. And he had seen the brutalities of the monarchs at Rank-9 with his own eyes, so it was safe to say that dying a quick death was much better.