Old Gu.

Ozul looked vacantly at the unequal and the now indistinguishable body parts of Luthien on the ground mixed in with the mud and a puddle of blood.

What was once the Emperor ruling the Silverbird Kingdom was now only some bloody mess that even some Beasts might frown upon.

It was more than 30 years that he had been tormented because of this person, he had to get his anger out in some way.

He wasn't even able to kill the main culprit, his 'father' who had severed his limbs in the first place. After that, he had already taken his revenge on his 'uncle' but it hadn't given him any satisfaction that he thought it would either.

Even now, as he gazed at the mess in front of him, he didn't feel any happier or light as he thought he would.

The hollow feeling inside of him did not seem to have filled even a drop. After a moment, a sigh escaped from his cold lips, and out of nowhere,
