'That' ?

"Stay here. I have to give the Ashins a visit again before moving out," Ozul said before he left the Rogue Crew and the duo in the middle of the forest.

The duo started to discuss the details that Ozul hadn't bothered to explain about just now.


- A few minutes earlier -

Two slim figures clad in light brown robes from head to toes jolted up when they noticed the six people coming out of the tower.

They immediately tried to calm themselves down since panicking would make it harder for them to stay hidden.

Turbulent emotions make it harder for Mages to keep control of their Mana, and Ozul was a Rank-9 Mage in their eyes who would easily notice their presence if they made any mistake.

Unfortunately for them, not to mention Ozul, even the Rogue Crew hiding around Ozul had also noticed their presence!