
Ozul exhaled and steadily allowed the Spiritual Essence to enter his body.

As it was absorbed into his body, he felt a warm current flowing, inspecting every nook and cranny of his insides. His own being wanted to interact with this new 'entity', but Ozul was hesitant.

The moment he had arrived in this world, he could feel the presence of the Spiritual Essence because of how desperately it wanted to seep into his body. He, however, had been cautious since he didn't know anything about it. 

Realizing that he would have to let his body absorb the Spiritual Essence, Ozul knew that he would have to be more prepared.

There have been more than a few instances in which his body became the main reason for a big commotion. 

Opening his eyes, he first confirmed that there wasn't anything important nearby. Just as he was about to create a small 'room' around him using the Ball of Purity, someone interrupted him.