Unwelcomed Arrival.

'This better do the trick...' 

Concentrating his entire focus on this mist bubble, he started moving it towards the building.

If someone had extremely sharp eyes and looked at the black mist carefully, they would notice how wobbly it was.

Even though it was The Purity, which seemed nothing more than an extension of his own body in a strange way, controlling just a tiny part while it was so thinned and spread out was difficult.

Like a liquid filled in a container, it tried to escape in all directions.

It continuously wobbled around, though it was only so clear in Ozul's eyes. To anyone else, they couldn't even feel as The Purity enveloped them.

From wherever the mist passed, he felt as if he was physically there. It felt like his own hands and feet were there in that space, having the ability to do whatever he pleased.

But this feeling of control also came with a heavy toll on his body.