
Raven immediately leapt to secure the hand that fell to the ground while Blaze and Zier covered her.

Zier was initially confused about what purpose the arm might serve, but he quickly assumed that Ozul might have a way to reattach it.

Meanwhile, Ozul began his fight with the remaining Origin cultivator.

With multiple wounds on his body and a severed hand, the pain felt unreal; it was something Ozul hadn't experienced before.

If there were someone else in his situation, they would have screamed their lungs off. Even an experienced cultivator would've taken a few moments to regain their composure.

His calm response to it all impressed Zier and others who were on the ground and spectating the battle.

Other than the pain assaulting his mind, Ozul wasn't at all affected by the loss of an arm. If push came to shove, he was even willing to sacrifice his other arm as he solely depended on Purity.