
"Send an invitation. Summon her to the City Lord's Hall."

The City Lord's Hall was a designated building in the heart of Phoenix City. The City Lord occasionally sat in the Hall to deal with urgent matters of the city in front of an audience.

The audience consisted of the most influential parties in the City. A representative from The Alliance was also present at all times.

The invitation reached Ember's estate the next day. The messenger, having known the fate of the two people sent there yesterday, refrained from saying anything that would anger the beastkin.

The invitation quickly reached Ember's hands. She noticed the City Lord's stamp burned at the corner of the paper and scoffed with a disgusted face. Tearing it apart, she spat, "Tell that Ryujin bastard if he wants to meet me to come here by himself."

The messenger shuddered as he picked up the torn-apart invitation and traced his steps back to the City Lord's Hall.