Scheming Darkness

Venus thought it's pathetic.

In that dim empty hallway, an obscure reflection of a woman on the surface of a nearby window serves as witness to a girl's faint sobs and hushed wail.

The former royalty reacts apathetically to the cascading series of events, however. She couldn't care less about a teenager's trivial predicament. If anything, she finds the whole situation trifling and merely caused by the girl's feeble fortitude.

Contrary to her initial belief, Eli is weak.

What she said about sympathizing with her is true, though, but only to a certain extent. The abandoned Empress felt as lonely as the girl for both of them were standing on the top of their respective social pyramids. They inadvertently experienced backlash and adversity due to their ranks in society.

However, Venus firmly refuses to believe that she and this girl are entirely the same.

For one, she never let her offenders get away with what they did. Unlike Eli who wavered in the face of her wrongdoers, she never yielded. She'd even make sure they'll pay for their transgressions tenfold.

Despite all these, Venus did find an advantage.

She knew that she could easily conquer this frail-hearted girl and completely take over her body.

When that happened, she could finally take action in fulfilling one single wish that she had thought of after awakening in this world. It's a mission she's determined to accomplish even if that meant going back to the bottomless pit of darkness – the sole reason why she had to live a meaningless second life.

No matter what, she had to see this through and quench her thirst to scheme demise. All she needs to do now is to manipulate the girl to do her own evil bidding.

Replacing Eli isn't that much of a sacrifice, anyway.

After all, everything's fair in life and death.


On the next day, the ash-haired girl, who just ridiculed the esteemed Student Council and got bullied as a result, now found herself unwillingly hogging their attention at the school's library.

Due to her nerve-wracking position, she failed to revel in the oasis of serenity that is currently bathed in the fluorescent afterglow of mid-day and the fragrant, rosy aroma of freshly-brewed tea. Befitting this revitalizing scenery, three charming men surround a wooden table while indulging themselves in delectable savouries and idle conversations.

Sitting in the middle, she tried her best to anchor herself in reality by recalling prior events.

Wanting to properly express her gratitude to Hal and apologize to the Student Council, Eli decided to visit the library on the next day, carrying the books she borrowed and four gift bags with her.

She hoped to display her feelings through a present for each of them, though she grimaced at the possibility they might get rejected. Even so, she steeled her resolve to return Hal's kindness no matter what.

With that, Eli entered the place, fully unprepared at the sight that awaits her.

The law-abiding Student Council is currently having a tea party in a place where foods aren't supposed to be allowed.

Upon spotting her, the Student Council President invited her out of nowhere, much to her astonishment. Flabbergasted, she could only nod in reply and before she knew it, they were serving her tea and sweets.

Thinking that it's rude to stay silent at such a lively gathering, Eli attempted to introduce herself but was surprised when they told her that Hal already talked about her. Instead, they introduced themselves amicably.

For the next minutes to come, they treated her so magnanimously that Eli felt ten times guiltier for what she did to them yesterday.

The Student Council President's name is Allen, a ninth grader who's all smiles and sparkles.

Unexpectedly, his Vice President is a seventh grader named Noah who's also an honour student like her. Contrary to her, however, he's exceptionally good-looking and sociable.

The Public Information Officer, on the other hand, is Lance, Allen's classmate who's also the Broadcasting Club's President.

Eli felt her self-confidence dwindle at the presence of such flawless princes, but then, she recalled what she needed to do there.

She then readied herself, eyes brimming with courage, before voicing out, "I'm sorry for my rude remarks yesterday. My mind's all over the place lately, and I know it's no excuse. I'm very sorry."

The boys were taken aback by her sudden apology, but eventually gave looks of understanding and forgiveness.

"Since it's our first interaction, you did leave an impression, but it's alright now," Allen replied softly.

"That's right. No offense taken," Lance added with a faint smile.

"Don't worry. We understand! It's good to know that your bottom's fine, by the way!" Noah cheerfully chimed in.

Eli tried to ignore how Noah innocently mentioned her body part again, and just smiled in return.


A repulsed thought popped in her head out of nowhere.

At this, her vision suddenly reddened as seething rage welled up in her chest like a furious tide.

Her insides churn in inconceivable ire, festering in her like a cold, calculating anger that persisted for lifetimes. Hostility burns in the depth of her soul and slowly seeps through her now half-lidded eyes, shadowed by repugnance and contempt. Foreboding thick layers of air shroud her, but she was numb and unresponsive.

The ash-haired girl was even oblivious to her face twisting in animosity.

"May I ask one thing, though?" Noah suddenly inquired, purple eyes narrowing ominously before turning to face her again with an inscrutable smile.

"Despite your words, why does it look like you're not sorry at all?"

It's the final nail in the coffin.

They are now looking at Eli with mixed expressions – surprise, bewilderment, doubt and even distrust.

Then it became too much for the perplexed girl. She could no longer handle their enigmatic looks and her disdainful feelings, thus abruptly rushing out of the library and leaving the confounded Student Council behind.

Once she's gone, Allen let out a breath he didn't know he's holding and crossed his arms.

"That's quite a sight," he commented before suddenly catching sight of something from Eli's belongings. His eyes then widened at this in surprise and confusion.

Eli continued her frantic dash through an empty hallway with teary eyes and a flushed face, completely unaware of a looming aura.

Then all of the sudden, pitch darkness enveloped her surroundings, frightening the ash-haired girl and making her shriek in horror. The overwhelming blackness of the space stretched in all directions.

Before she knew it, her whole body turned cold and stiff as she floated in the abyss of nowhere.

Squinting her puffy eyes to pinpoint any visible object was futile. Breathing for air was laborious. Crying for help was fruitless. She found the emptiness grim and eerie, almost like being engulfed by an inescapable void.

That's until a familiar voice started ringing in her ears.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm you and you're me...."