Start of an Unforeseen Ploy

They knew that Eli always meant well when it came to them.

However, there are walls that remained unconquered. Such was the case when Lance firmly refused her invitation to the tea party earlier. Allen somewhat expected it, though. After all, they've been avoiding her ever since, so inviting them out of nowhere could only do little in their current perspective of her.

"Lance said he's too busy..." Allen trailed off, slightly recoiling upon recalling how Lance coldly turned it down as if he'd been offered an audience by Empress Venus herself.

"As for Noah, you can ask him again if you like. His answer earlier was too vague. I heard that Mr. Zeke was placed in the same class as his, so you could just also get him while we prepare the table," he added.

While it's a fact that Noah neither approved nor denied, Allen also had something else in mind. Hal was able to pick up his motives with a glimpse at his grinning face. Eli, on the other hand, was caught off guard by his suggestion. She's already getting the cold feet just by imagining the scene. However, she genuinely wanted them to join so that they wouldn't feel left out. She also planned to use the event as an opportunity to know them more.

"Okay, I'll do it!"

With that, she gathered her courage and agreed to fetch the two first years. The red head only nodded at her as an encouragement. She then proceeded to excuse herself and head to their classroom.

"There's a time for everything, you know," Hal commented as soon as Eli faded out of sight.

"Whatever do you mean?" Allen feigned innocence to which he only heaved a sigh.

Though reluctant, Eli held her head high as she walked down the hallway, a certain destination in mind.

Hal and Allen may not know exactly how Noah displayed his dislike towards her, but she's sure that they aren't entirely unaware. It's also her idea to invite them, so it's only natural that she'd be doing it. Even now, she's holding on a small hope that all the Champions would get to move on from their hatred.

After all, hate would only give birth to more hate, and that cycle would just go on.

Venus was finally having fun in this world either, though she didn't want to admit it. She no longer took over her body without consent, except for dire times. She also seemed to be having the time of her life whenever she watched a fashion show on TV or when she'd try out the latest trends on social media. The former Empress had certainly turned into a normal teenager by now, albeit unknowingly. That's why it's a bit sad to think that the others remained chained by the past while she was moving forward.

Now, Eli just sincerely hoped that Venus would find it in her to ask for forgiveness someday. Perhaps, that would lessen their grudge, even for a bit. It would also be a bigger breakthrough for the late Empress. As for now, though, she'd just do her best as Eli to patch them up together little by little.

Thoughts abruptly halting, Eli then stopped on her tracks upon catching sight of a very familiar face.

She's pacing towards her direction, a bag and bouquet of sunflowers in hand. She looked stunning as her shining, silky straight dandelion hair was being blown by the wind, shimmering streaks of sunlight freckling her petite figure. With her elegant poise and graceful stride, she appeared like the princess of flowers in her eyes.

"May I help you with something?" the blonde asked all of the sudden, snapping her out of her daze.

Upon finding herself gawking at her, completely entranced, Eli clumsily flailed her hands around in embarrassment before apologizing for staring too much. The blonde only giggled at that, and she swore that her voice came out like a melody. Thinking it's rude enough to stare at her for no reason, she decided to introduce herself.

"My name is Angelica, by the way. I'm a second year."

"That makes you my underclassman, then. It's nice to meet you, my name's Cosette. I'm a third year. If you don't mind me asking, were you looking at the sunflowers?"

Eli blinked at that in surprise before stammering out a high-pitched 'Yes'. She's somewhat relieved that she didn't realize it's her she's gazing at. If she did, she'd probably see her like a weirdo.

"Thank you. You can admire them as much as you want next time," Cosette uttered with a gentle smile.

Eli can't help but praise Noah for hitting jackpot. Cosette seems to be an endearing and kind-hearted girl.

But then, her moment of silent commendation was interrupted when she sensed something perilously incongruous out of nowhere. A menacing atmosphere, indicating a nearing hazard, suddenly enveloped the place. No matter how many times Eli had gone through this, it would never fail to make her flinch and stiffen in fright and mystification.

"Angelica, are you alright? You look pale," her upperclassman questioned, concern laced in her voice.

However, Eli couldn't give any coherent response as she felt the presence getting dangerously close. Then, in the blink of an eye, a strong gust of wind wafted all around them. Flummoxed, they could only brace themselves and watch how an eerie murk clouded over them ominously.

That was the last straw.

Eli instantly grabbed Cosette by her wrist and ran away. Subsequently, the blonde accidentally dropped the sunflowers and her gardening tools out of surprise. The two then made a run for their lives. Yet, try as they might, fleeing was no longer an option as the black mist already hurdled any possible escape route. Then, their worlds abruptly stilled when a gargantuan living plant with horrendously sharp fangs materialized as soon as the dark haze vanished. The creature resembled a rose with its bloody red petals, razor-edged thorns, and tentacle-like vines.

Such a ghastly sight is downright horrifying for the girls.

Eli already sensed that Venus was about to emerge but it's much too late. The monstrous flower didn't waste a second to open its mouth, wrap the two with its mossy limbs, and devour them in one giant gulp.

In the meantime, the Chairman's son and the Student Council Vice President were having another round of banter when their classes were dismissed. The librarian and the Student Council President were heading to the field when they saw the two. Since they were walking towards one another, the four met halfway and engaged in a sudden staring contest in the middle of the hallway.

"Umm, what are we doing?" Zeke started, breaking the silence.

"Oh, it's just that... Didn't Angelica come here?" Allen asked, tilting his head quizzically.

"No, we didn't see her yet."

That's when Hal started to discern a bad feeling. Although it's too early to worry and Eli was the kind to get distracted easily while running an errand, he knew a premonition when he sensed one. Then, out of nowhere, loud tapping sounds from the window beside them piqued their attention. Hal immediately sauntered to it and opened the glass, only to find Calliope flying frantically outside.

True enough, him sensing something foreboding turned out right when the mythical bird gestured for him to follow. Though perplexed, Zeke and the others only tailed Hal as he sprinted away. After minutes of racing after Calliope, they finally arrived at a soulless hallway near the library.

"What's with you, Calliope?" Hal inquired the summoned creature who only continued to flap its wings in an agitated manner.

"Hal, come here!" Allen suddenly called out from the distance.

Without him noticing, they already turned to a corner and were now looking at something. They appeared to be utterly disconcerted while he hurried over there. Then, as soon as saw the confounding sight, his eyes instantly went as wide as an owl's.

A scatter of what seemed to be gardening tools and a posy of sunflowers were lying on the ground, clearly unattended. It was an adequate sign that something went wrong here. However, the humongous plant in front of them just had to take the whole cake, telling everyone that something terrible had happened, indeed.