How to Act Like a Villainess 101

Eli stood still, face blenching as if she just saw a ghost.

What she really saw was more bizarre, however. In front of her at that moment was a group of human-sized insects acting like real people.

There's what seems to be a knighthood of ants and grasshoppers in silver armour. Along with them was a mammoth creature that resembled a butterfly with its pair of opalescent wings painted in pastel colours. What's more, they're all lined up before her. It's as if a red carpet had been spread for her to walk on.

Yet, instead of feeling welcomed, she felt like fainting at that very second.

"A pleasant day to you, Milady. We're here to escort you to our lord," a talking ant, the commander of the knights she speculated, greeted her with a courteous bow.

Conflicted, Eli could only tremble silently with nervousness. Though she's clearly being treated like an important guest, she couldn't help but be mystified at this implausibe situation. But then, she also knew that she needed to pull herself together. If she won't do something as simple as acting, she won't be able to survive here, especially now that Hal and the others weren't around. She only had to imitate Venus, anyway.

Taking a whiff of air, Eli prepared to swallow her pride and picture the villainess in her head. She then made the scariest face she could muster - eyes furrowed, arms crossed together, chest puffed out, and chin lifted high.

"Scoundrels! What do you think you're doing?! How dare you make a lady wait like this?!"

The leader secretly flinched at this in surprise.

He didn't know she's the short-tempered type. Then again, their master never really said anything about who their visitor was. Though a bit zealous of having a guest for the first time, he's also somewhat baffled by her peculiar behaviour.

"Well then, take me there! Don't make me wait a second longer! I want a worthwhile conversation with your master. Also, make sure I get there unscathed. I don't like any bothersome interval along the way."

And baffled, he was.

Eli had been running her mouth the entire time, complaining and being bossy altogether. The queerest thing she did was when she forced out a laugh that he supposed should've turned out to be full of derision or, at the very least, mocking. But then, it only came out strained and a bit awkward in a way.

Unbeknownst to the commander, Eli was trying to imitate Venus's evil laughter. The Empress, on the other hand, had been feeling goosebumps ever since her preposterous acting started, grimacing over the impression that her vessel wasn't really made for this kind of thing.

"Please ride on the carriage, Milady. We'll tour you around the Realm on our way to our lord," the ant leader offered, pertaining to the huge butterfly with his arms extended towards it.

"It's... a carriage?" Eli thought, stupefied.

Not wanting to continue her tedious pretense any longer, she just silently complied and hopped on the colossal insect. She then found herself gaping at the sight before her. The top part was actually comfy and spacious, especially with the silver throne adorning its middle. She was more than relieved that these creatures were treating her this magnanimously, though she still had her guard up.

Right after sitting on the throne, the butterfly started to flap its wings and glided through the sky. Eli was a bit frightened at first since she's not good with heights. However, as soon as they reached several metres above, the resplendent and astonishing sight made her jaw drop in awe. They're flying through the clouds and underneath them was a kingdom of flowers of various hues.

Admiring this picturesque scenery that can only be found in books, Eli eventually forgot that she's in an enemy's domain.

While the ash-haired girl was living the dream of every bookworm, Hal and the others, on the other hand, had been chasing after the entryway to her current location for a while now.

Several minutes later, the mysterious rose finally stopped in front of the door of the school's faculty room. It then suddenly dispersed into dusts before sneaking its way in through the keyhole. Bewildered, Hal and the others only stood there, still catching their breaths after running a marathon.

"The staff room? What is it doing here?" Zeke voiced out everyone's concern.

"We're going in. Prepare to transform as soon as an ambush took place," Hal ordered, hand reaching for the doorknob.

"Is there someone you're looking for?"

At this, everyone suddenly jolted in surprise.

Turning their heads to the side, the seventh grade's adviser greeted them with a confused expression. She seemed to have arrived just now, puzzled as to why a mob of students were swamping outside the faculty room as if planning to jump on someone. But then, as soon as she laid eyes on the two Student Council members, her eyes visibly lit up in pleasant surprise.

"My, the Student Council President and Vice President are here! Were you here for something? Actually, I have something to tell you if you don't mind. It'll be quick," Ms. Ivy blurted out, pacing closer to them.

Allen glanced at Hal's direction, silently asking for permission. The librarian then only gave a quick nod. He probably doesn't want to arouse attention that could lead to suspicion. With that, the red head proceeded to entertain the teacher's request with a smile.

"We're not that busy, Ma'am. I'd be glad to hear you out."

"Thank you! I don't know if the President already heard from my member, but our club would like to host an exhibition this week. Ms. Cosette told me she had informed the Vice President earlier."

Allen was a bit flabbergasted to hear that. He then told her that he didn't hear from anyone yet while Noah confirmed that her member already told him during lunch break. With that, they just promised Ms. Ivy that they'd inform the Chairman later today and give an answer as soon as possible.

"Thank you for your time. So, anyway, what are you doing here? Even Mr. Canaan..."

"We're looking for a someone, Ma'am. Please pay us no mind."

Everyone was caught off guard by Hal's stern voice.

For the oblivious teacher, it still sounded respectful, even though it came out a bit strange and abrupt. However, Allen and the others knew they're just sugarcoated. Judging by his tone and the strained smile on his face, they knew he's already getting impatient.

Not wanting to pry into their business any further, Ms. Ivy just excused herself and put aside her bafflement, eventually leaving them in choking silence.

"Hal..." Noah trailed off while glancing at him, bothered by his unusual temper.

That's until the red rose emerged once more. It suddenly materialized before them while shrouded with a formidable, shadowy aura. Then, in the blink of an eye, it turned into the same gargantuan monster from before and gobbled the perplexed boys in one go, not leaving them any room to react or escape. At this, their visions were hurdled by a flash of plain whiteness, consequently immobilizing them.

Their unmoving bodies then helplessly drifted into the unknown.