Underwater Escapade

Venus felt like bringing a fishnet with her next time, or perhaps anything that could haul a certain someone back to shore.

After catching sight of the Realm's core a few feet below them, right at the center of a swarm of gigantic seaweeds, her vessel suddenly asked for a swim to her death. Eli wanted Venus to pounce on it while they're still there, not even contemplating about the risk of getting captured. They haven't even seen the summoned creature yet.

"Please, Venus! I have a plan! Who knows when we'll get a chance like this again!" the ash-haired insisted, peeving her even more.

"Spare me the deets! Just let the boy handle this. Tell your plan to the others later!" the former Empress bolted out.

"Are they my henchmen or something?! Don't be a coward, Venus. We can do this!"

"Coward your face! Weren't you the one who got stiff scared the last time we got trapped in a Realm?! Most importantly, I'm worried about your body, stupid!"

Then, Eli froze.