Let's Play Provoke

Eli didn't expect that Noah would turn out to be a troublesome case to handle, perhaps a lot more than Zeke.

After seeing her life being threatened by a boiling, deadly liquid, the blonde snapped and started menacing the summoned creatures with his razor-sharp daggers. He went straight to being a full-blown grim reaper, taunting them with knife-like remarks and words of death that just seemed to make them want to utter one last will at that very moment. Though it wasn't her first time seeing him like this, Eli still couldn't help but be fazed by his spine-chilling one hundred eighty moodshift.

"You little pieces of ****! I'll ****** you and ******* every fiber of your being! Then you'll ******! So, you better ****** before I ******!"

Both Eli and Zeke had to censor them for the sake of preserving their perception of Noah as a human.