Spider Princess

Allen was thunderstruck for a moment, taken aback by that portentous malevolence permeating the air around Arachne.

As if cloaked by the eerie shadows of twilight, the young girl looked up to him ever so menacingly. Allen was too caught off guard that it took more than a fraction of second for him to pull himself together.

This element of surprise that comes along with a summoned creature's appearance should no longer faze him at this point.

Even then, however, he couldn't help but sense something oddly incongruous about her.

"Not to mention, she just showed up out of nowhere and even did it on purpose. Quite a brazen one, I say," Allen quietly pondered, taking a step back and bracing himself for an assault. As the atmosphere ominously thickened around them, his once amicable facade contorted into a grim one.

"Well, then, Mister Champion, shall we play?"