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Crashing a villain's party may not be the brightest idea since the whole picture itself could turn out to be as bad as entering a mouse trap.

Even then, however, Eli has already been a bait for quite a while now and she knew that it was easier to turn the tables whenever she pretended as one.

That's because the enemies wouldn't expect much from a weakling like her - other than being a mere human who got unwillingly caught up in this mess, that is. If anything, her current captors are probably aiming to attain what Lord Caspar intended to do with the Champions back then.

Squeezing out some useful intel about her was more likely their primary objective while forcing her on another pact or using her against their ultimate foe, the Champions, would have to be at the further part of their desired ends. For the past five months, she'd already been pursued by too many vicious entities to not know where all this complicated scheme would boil down to.