Suddenly a Heated Exchange

Judging by Zeke's explanation about the recent happenings, Leah figures out that Eli's whereabouts remains unknown, and so are the others'.

She's still not certain as to who these people really are, though. Apart from her ash-haired classmate and that mysterious fiance of hers, she's clueless about the identities of those he assertively claimed as the ones who would help save her. 

If anything, everything he said about this Realm and summoned creatures only jumbled her thoughts up even more. Questions after questions keep piling up in her head, but the most difficult part is that she has to veer her mind away from being too inquisitive and prying. 

Zeke himself doesn't seem like he'll reveal any more than that even though he did say something about fleeing as their top priority. Then again, if this kind of magical phenomenon is secretly occuring for who knows how long, he'll naturally be adamant about not to allowing any further details about it to leak.