A Scene Out of a Fairytale

True beauty can be found on the inside, but sometimes, the inside can also shine all the way through the outside.

People may see her plain and boring most of the time, and even Eli herself would support that impression all the time. But to Hal, that is never the case - he always sees her differently even all the way back when they're still in seventh grade.

"Looks like someone's smitten..." John quipped from beside him all of the sudden, smirking amusedly.

Too mesmerized by a certain ash-haired's joyous expression, Hal didn't notice that John, Liam and Ethan are all looking at his stupefied state. They can't help but lift a brow at how speechless he ended up to be, but even then, he just pays them no mind.

At that moment, the only thing that matters to him is none other than her.

"Oh, he noticed me," Eli thought in high spirits before raising her hand and waving at him. 

That's when Hal can no longer hold it in.