Fleeing and Sneaking

For some reason, ever since they started to make better use of Lucas, Ms. Ivy has been getting some odd premonitions.

For she has the ability to take a glimpse of the near future using her tarot cards, she's able to point out certain probabilities and possible occurrences. Of course, not all of them end up to clear. In fact, her predictions often come out to be vague and ambiguous.

Nevertheless, it helped her and Lord Caspar in a lot of ways -

For one, her ability is one of the reasons they were able to point out specific locations where summoned creatures would show up, which then made the process of forming alliances and pacts a bit easier. That's also because the absence of the Champions at that exact time and place was part of her predictions during those times - thus allowing Lord Caspar to meet fellow villains and villainesses without alerting any of their enemies.