Revealing the Hidden Ability

After Zeke told Eli the whole story, she found herself finally recalling the small details little by little.

The last thing she remembers is being enveloped by Hal's soothing warmth. He's the one who carried her the entire time - a gesture he's doing much more often than she initially thought.

As for the fact that she finally revealed to everyone that she could use dark magic, she couldn't help but feel really nervous and a bit tense. She wasn't sure how exactly they reacted back when she's in the middle of fighting against Captain Minerva. 

In all actuality, Eli wasn't completely aware of what's happening in her surroundings back there. That's why she also didn't know what to expect now. She'd most probably be explaining a lot things, though.

"I'm very sorry, Zeke..." the ash-haired started with a heavy sigh, confusing her underclassman for a bit.

"For hiding things from you guys, and for making you go all through this trouble."