Last gathering

The next day, early in the morning Alleyn started packing mats and soft drink bottles inside a basket. While Amanda was busy preparing snacks and other food items.

"Hey… Alleyn! Alleyn are you listening?"

"Yeah! Coming! what happened?" Alleyn was panting heavily when he rushed inside the kitchen. He looked at her worriedly. He thought that she might have accidentally hurt herself. He checked her from head to toe. When he did not see any bruises or signs of being hurt or injured, then only he sighed in relief.

"Well why are you rushing? And for what?"

"Do you really don't know the reason for me rushing here like a mad person?" Alleyn frowned and pitched her cheeks slightly to punish her.

"Ah..!! You.. it hurts!" Amanda soothed her cheeks until it stopped stinging. 'He pinched me so hard just now.'

She kept on staring at him until he surrendered.

"Okay fine. I was wrong. It is my fault. Now tell me what happened?"

"That's better! Well I was thinking if you could get that barbeque stand from the backyard with us on the trip too. It would be so nice preparing dinner in the evening on the beach side. What do you say?"

"Hmm! My wife is the best. It is indeed a good idea." Alleyn grinned proudly and caressed her head.

"Alright! I will go and inform Aaric about this." Alleyn was just about to dial Aaric's number when Amanda stopped him suddenly.

"Hey no wait! Let's keep it as a surprise. Sasha loves grilled dishes. If you inform Aric about this, he would surely inform his 'Wifey' about our plan." Amanda pressured on the word wifey intentionally and it made Alleyn confused whether he should laugh or cry by looking at her wife's reaction. 'She is puffing her cheeks just because I don't call her that way!' Alleyn shook his head helplessly.

" Okay! I'll do as you say. Now don't be angry. Your face turns red and it looks as if I bullied you." Alleyn caressed her cheeks with his thumb which made Amanda calm down in a while.

"I just hope that she recovers quickly. It's been such a long time since we last had a gathering together. It was exactly a week before that incident. You… you know… it has been such a long time since I heard her voice, we gossipped, and.. and now just see what happened. She does not remember Aaric, how come she would remember me…" Hearing his wife's sobbing voice, Alleyn felt his heart being clenched. He did not know how he should explain and console this silly girl in his arms.

"Hey stop crying! You already know that it is a blessing that she is alive now. Not in her previous condition. And getting back memories is just a matter of time and a little bit of treatment. She will get her memory back and you can gossip with her as much as you want."


"With me around, why are you worried about, huh? Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you"

" I will do anything to bring her memory back. Just look at Aaric. He is trying his best to surpass that sorrow bubbling inside him. You know the moment I reached their villa… I saw.. Saw him crying. Can you imagine? That person cried. Everybody there thought that they must be dreaming… But I know him. You know the moment she said 'Who are you?'. It felt that he had been stabbed with a knife. His face was void of any emotions."

When Alleyn started recalling yesterday's events, he felt very bad about his friend. But nothing could be done in a day or two. Especially while recovering a patient, which needs ample of time and patient treatment.

He glanced at the girl in his arms and smiled when he saw her expression, waiting for him to continue. In a soft voice he said.

"Now let's get ready with the preparations. In Sasha's recovery you need to help us out a lot. You know being a girl, you can get attached to her easily. That way she won't feel alone. Although Aaric is with her all the time, there is still a limit to what he can do right now. So if you could help her to regain her memories that would be very good. Understand?"

"Hmm. I do." Amanda quickly rubbed her face and went towards the sink to wash her face.

While in the meantime Alleyn took out his phone to give a call to Aaric.

"Hey we will be leaving in a while. Are both of you ready?"