A nightmare

By the time Aaric and Sasha reached Brighton resort, it was already 12 in the afternoon. While reaching the entrance of the main gate, he called Alleyn to inform him that he is going over to his villa which was just a few blocks away. He asked them to come straight to the villa.

As both of them just had lunch, throughout the route Sasha slept peacefully on the passenger seat while Aaric was driving. After entering through the main mansion gates, Aaric stopped the car in front of the main door of the mansion and glanced at the person who was sleeping beside him. He pondered for a while in confusion whether he should wake her up or not.

After carefully thinking, he gave up and first tried to wake her up. Even after calling out her name a few times, Sasha did not wake up. At last, he got out of the car and opened the door of her side. He swiftly carried her out of the car in his arms like a princess and walked inside.

As soon as he walked inside, Aunt Bell welcomed the couple with a warm smile. Aunt Bell was one of the maids from the old Smith mansion who took care of Aaric since he was a small child. She did not have any children of her own, so she loved and cared for him like her own child.

Aaric greeted her back and whispered in a low voice.

"Are both the rooms prepared?"

"Yes, both the rooms have been prepared. Master tonight we will be having a celebration party for madam's recovery." Aunt Bell informed excitedly as she looked at the girl in Aaric's arms with gentleness.

"Mmm. Aunt Bell, as I told you earlier in the morning about her memories, so don't bring any topic which might trigger her amnesia."

"Yes, yes master! I will make sure of it and inform other servants also."

Without saying anything else, he strode upstairs towards their bedroom.

Meanwhile, Aunt Bell stayed on that very spot for a while before sighing with a heavy heart. 'Why my sweet child suffered so much? She is such a sweet and pure girl. How could somebody torture her to that extent?' She did not dare to think much as a layer started clouding her eyes. She blinked away the tears that were peeking out from her eyes and walked towards the kitchen to start preparing for the evening feast.

Aaric swiftly and carefully laid her down on the bed before covering her with a blanket. He locked the door from inside and adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner. He walked towards the wardrobe to pick out a pair of casual wear before walking towards the bathroom to take a shower.

As the cold water fell on his body, his mind seemed to relax a bit. He played the events that happened from the last eight months till the present day. Everything felt so unreal to him, a dream to him from which he was afraid to wake up in fear of breaking it. He did not want this to end.

Starting from the news, his bodyguard informed him about the attempt to murder Sasha then Alleyn's analysis of her medical condition when he said that it was impossible to keep her alive, waking up from that condition was already a miracle in itself. Then the reports of her body check up which showed no recovery sign in the highest recovery phase, neither till the last two months. He had lost all his hope when the doctor said her body is not responding to any of the treatments. But suddenly, yesterday's event changed everything. And today's moments when both of them talked to each other. He felt that it had been an eternity since he heard her sweet voice.

He kept on thinking how everything changed, how much that incident changed their lives. He was on the verge of losing her, but as people say 'if you love somebody with all your heart, no matter what situation it is, everything will come together and unite both of you. Even death would surrender in front of that strong and pure love, it fails to tear you apart.'

He turned off the shower and wrapped the towel around him. After changing into his clothes, he came out from the bathroom. He was wiping off his damped hair, suddenly he heard sounds of groaning and sounds of sobbing. He frowned and walked towards the bed. Sasha was in deep sleep but was groaning in agony. She had a troubled face as if something was hurting her a lot. Her breathing was very irregular and it started to get heavy suddenly. She started to move and adjust herself in different positions as if she was feeling uncomfortable. Sweat droplets were all over her face. She suddenly clenched the bedsheets around her and started crying loudly.

Aaric did not know what to do. He suddenly sat down on the bed and held her in his arms. He hugged her tightly and patted her back. But it was not working. She looked as if she was in immense pain. Her hair was damped with sweat, even her body was heated. Aaric checked her forehead and temperature, then he realised that she is suffering from high fever. As he was going to place her down on the bed, suddenly a voice filled with pain left her mouth.

"Aaric… please… help me…"