Love- real or fake?

The sensation Sasha felt today while he did 'that' to her neck gave her was overwhelming. In her heart, this moment seemed to be not new. Her heart started beating faster the moment she started thinking about it. A warm feeling spread in her heart. It was hard to breathe, just like that time.

There was one thing, which Sasha could not understand. Why a man like him was willing to wait for her till she regains her memory. The moment she was awake, they never got a chance where she could enquire about herself, about her family. Even if she tried once or twice, he asked her to wait, wait for a right time. It was not like that he wanted to hurt her, as he revealed that it was for her own protection only.

She could see that he cares for her more than anybody else could do. But why did he choose her? He could have left her the moment she forgot about him. The moment he heard that she would not survive that incident, but still despite knowing everything he left his work for her, everything for her.

Whenever she recalled that maid's words she said about them, made Sasha's head a little bit chaotic. She could not say that he was not a good person or maybe he might be having other thoughts as to why he was treating her so well. Because if one tries to be genuine, no matter how much one tries to hide, it's not too hard to observe the genuine feelings. She could see and observe everything he used to do for her. She could clearly see that sincerity in him for the past days. How could a person like him take advantage of her? Moreover he had everything in the palms of his hands, what more she could give him if everything he was doing was fake. Even if it is, then it takes years of experience and training to be such a professional actor.

'He loves me so much. Is all this love and affection he has for me real? Or he is just acting and having another motive behind all this? Just like a wolf disguised in a sheep cloth.' She could not come to a proper conclusion whenever she tried to place all the bits of clues and pieces together.

She could not find a single reason that how can there be true love? A love where one was ready to leave everything just to take care of their partner. Recently she had been watching movies and a few TV series and co incidentally she could not find any good show which could depict true love between a couple.

Some of them would show a few months of dating then break up or maybe about cheating and deceiving the other one. She concluded a basic logic that since movies and shows depict a part of our society, then it would not be wrong to say that true love is very rare these days.

Sasha felt like her heart would start beating at a very high speed whenever she would think about her life with him. She wanted to recall her memories so badly because she knew that at least for him she has to. How many people get true love? And here when she is laying down beside her, she could not think how to react when she was with him. Sometimes she found everything very weird whenever she thought that they are husband and wife but cannot be like a real couple at the same time.

'We are a couple- a legally married couple. Yet in reality are we like a married couple?' She was too confused with all these things.

Whenever she would think about their moments together and the way he treated her and the warmth he provided her, she never hated it or felt annoyed and agitated. Instead of those things, she was feeling blissful. She wanted more of his warmth. Unknowingly, she placed her hand on top of his, hoping to feel his warmth. She stroked his dorsal side gently.

'Maybe he might be my true love. Others don't have their fate with them to meet a person in their life who can love them but that does not mean that I will not get a person who can do the same!' Sasha was not fully sure whether she should go and take this gamble but she was willing to take.

Just now when she was engrossed in her thoughts, she did not notice something moving beside her. Her gentle strokes on his dorsal had already made him awake. Aaric was wide awake when he did not find her struggling instead she was gently stroking his hand. He opened his eyes and slowly he looked at the beautiful woman beside him. The moment his eyes landed on her, peace spread through his body. He gazed at her tenderly.