Perfect mousetrap

"This…" Aaric looked back at Masion who was looking at him too. They both understood what the other one was thinking.

"Exactly. I have the same doubts."

"But how is it even possible?" Aaric was so shocked on seeing the picture of a snake tattoo that he could not register what was happening just now.

Six years back, they both Aaric and Masion destroyed that clan and every serpents who had the same tattoo on their hands. But how come, this guy knew the very existence of that clan.

"Do you remember that watch which we found near Sasha's injured body?"

Aaric nodded his head in agreement as he recalled and waited for Masion to continue.

"I found a chip inside that watch… and it is not a simple chip. It is encoded with multiple firewalls and protection passwords. I am finding it difficult to crack." Masion hung his head defeatedly. He looked at Aaric as understanding flashed in his eyes. In reply Aaric just extended his hand and knowingly Masion handed the chip to him.