Jealousy or possessiveness

"Oh my God… Is it a smile I see on your face brother-in-law?" Kevin who witnessed everything from the moment Aaric made the call then how his face changed into a cold expression then that rare smile…

Everything that just happened, only took one call to Sasha and this guy was smiling from ear to ear. No wonder he is actually smitten by his sister. 

"Huh does that woman can even be compared to even a cent to my sister?" Kevin scoffed while Aaric's face changed slightly. After a few moments of silence he spoke up.

"Don't compare my wife with lowly people. I won't be able to control myself from punching you on your face." Aaric gritted his teeth while he spoke.

Kevin instantly shut his mouth. But how longer could he? After a few minutes of staging silent he questioned back.

"See… last question please. Or else I won't be able to sleep." 

"That's not my concern." Aaric replied with a straight face without showing any mercy to his brother-in-law.