Elijah's arrival (1)

Days passed and the weather was getting cold with each passing day. 

Elijah and Lily were to arrive today and everybody was overly too excited to welcome them. However Sasha stood on her balcony as she looked at the sky in daze. 

Suddenly barking sounds of a dog echoed. Sasha looked down and her eyes fell on a golden retriever barking out and wagging his tail happily. Her face bloomed into a smile as she looked at Leo.

"Leo!" She shouted and ran downstairs from the stairs in the other balcony.

She hugged the pet and in response Leo licked her face which made her let out a giggle. Aaric smiled when he saw how happy she was. If not for the pet's checkup and activities, he would have let him stay here with her. However his expression soon sullen. 

'What if she starts spending her time with Leo more than me?' A thought immediately made him frown. This was a serious issue! But right now nothing else mattered more than her happiness.