Elijah's arrival (4)

Elder Jones knitted his brows and said. His mind had turned blank for a while when he first heard his grandson. However what else could he expect from that useless grandson of his. Neither does he know how to manage a company nor he is a good man. Alas!

"Even I received information that he is involved in drug smuggling as well." Elijah looked at his grandfather and said in a cold tone. His words had a hidden meaning as well. 

"As expected of his upbringing." The old man sneered and did not say anything, instead he just looked at the passing cars and streetlights.

"Let's head there tomorrow. For today you both rest."

He said after a long silence.

"Alright, I will inform him about our arrival."

Elijah texted Aaric and kept his phone away.

It did not take much time for the trio to reach back to the house. It was twelve in the noon when they reached the villa. However, outside the main gate, a black car was parked.