Don't smoke (1)

While both of them were sharing a happy time, all of a sudden remembered what she did while they were sitting in the dining hall. He abruptly turned her to face him, completely surprising her.

Sasha looked at him confusedly and raised her brows questioningly.

Aaric narrowed his eyes as he spoke up.

"I remember you were quite bold tonight." 

Hearing him, she pursued her lips into a thin line as a slight blush came up crawling on her soft milky cheeks. Aaric chuckled when he noticed her cheeks changing its color as he poked on her cheek gently.

"That… I…" Sasha stuttered while speaking while racking her brain to think of a possible and reasonable excuse. However, nothing was striking her brain at that moment. 

"Hmm?" Aaric smirked on seeing her flustered look as he questioned once again.

Sasha felt like a headache coming over so in a grumpy way, she crossed her hands in front of her chest as she said.