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I stood there rooted to that spot. I furiously tried to blink the tears away but they rolled down my cheeks. Again my 'not the brightest idea' made me witness Seth peck Bec lightly on her cheek. My vision blurred and I turned clutching my neck which I did only when I was really depressed, sometimes I would clutch the collar of the shirt I was wearing.

I tried to balance myself even though my traitorous legs kept shaking. In a bid to gain a little balance I reached out my hand to my vanity table, which being who I was, was void of makeup.

My hand instead pushed the glass of water I had gotten from downstairs after S left before coming up to the floor. I barely saw it's shards, I only heard it shatter on the stone cold tiles. Not liking dirt, I tried to pick up the broken pieces but I got a painful cut on my finger instead. I let out a shriek subconsciously and I knew it wasn't deep because the deepest were often less painful than scratches.

I wiped my eyes with my shirt and was able to see a bit more clearly. 'A bit' because my eyes were still threatening to release a downpour. I blinked a few times and shook my head so that I would stop feeling dizzy. I turned when I saw more than heard my door open. Then the one person I didn't want to see came to sight. I instinctively dropped the tail of my shirt which I was still holding.



I followed Becca's lead and pecked her cheek so that we would look like your everyday couple.

"Is she still looking?"

"No, she turned around"

I wasn't very happy to hear that but oh well.

"What do you think we should do next?"

My 'next' was swallowed up by Beth's scream. I reflexively turned to the front door and dashed to it. My brain barely registered any movement from my legs because of my speed so let's just say I practically flew to Beth's room.

When I got there I didn't bother knocking and used a little too much force to open the door. I stood frozen in my steps when I saw that her shirt's hem was in her hands. I saw the curve of her black bra. I swallowed and cast my gaze to her bleeding finger instead. My breathing returned to normal when she dropped her shirt. I walked to her.

"Are you alright?"

I didn't think before lifting her in a princess style and taking her downstairs to the kitchen where I had seen a first aid kit. She protested a lot and tried to get down but I tightened my grip on her and she stopped. I settled her on a stool and raided the kitchen for the kit. I cleaned the cut with an antiseptic and antibacterial, applied the necessary ointments and put a plaster around her index finger.

Only after doing this did I stop panicking. I didn't even understand my stress because it was just a simple cut but I had seen tears in her eyes and assumed that it was because of the cut.


She stood up to leave but the way she said thanks was so cold and distancing.

"Um, Beth?"

She halted her movements but didn't turn around. I guess she didn't want me to see her when she was sad, so I just continued.

"Why don't you wait here while I clean the mess"

"No need I can do it"

"I insist"

She turned around and I nearly stepped back. Her usually bright and playful eyes were cold and frightening. She saw the fear in my eyes and probably my imaginary wet patch and sighed. She looked down and when she looked up at me her eyes were back to normal.

"Fine, do what you want I don't care"

She walked away to her room and I just stood there wondering if she was bipolar. Since Bec left me a message saying that she had to help a friend and I should take advantage of the alone time with Beth, I had no one to ask my question. Clearing my head I took a broom and dustpan to her room. She was lying on her bed, earpieces in her ears with her eyes closed she looked so peaceful unlike the dangerous vibe she emitted few minutes ago. I was now sure something was wrong with her.

While I worked I hummed a tune under my breath. After making sure that there was no piece of glass remaining I stood up and stretched out. My waist felt a little stiff from bending so I moved from side to side. I jumped in fright when a heard a hearty chortle behind me I turned with a speed that made me feel slightly dizzy.