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Cute but alluring...son in law


I went to the Millers around one in the afternoon but after no one answered the doorbell. I texted Becca. She said that they'd be back in ten. I sat on the swing in their porch.

I relaxed into the soft pillows and played an escape room game on my phone. I heard the sound of a car's engine and looked up and saw them pulling up in the driveway.

The twins and a girl who looked familiar came out the car while their mom drove the car into the garage.

Wait is that Sharon??!

"Sharon Wilson?" the girl walked closer to me with a dazzling smile "oh my word you look great. Are you sure you are not some run away pagent queen?" I joked and she laughed.

She nodded her head in a direction and asked, "if I'mma run away pagent queen what will you say about her?" I traced the direction she was pointing at and my throat felt dry.

I don't know what she did to her hair, her clothes, her face... her everything but I loved it.

"I think Miss universe forgot the direction to the runway" I said after a while "are you sure you are not an angel cos you look heavenly" I don't even know how I managed to say those words cos my heart is beating so fast and hard I think it'll beat it's way out of my chest.

Her cheeks tinted pink, her eyes cast on her fingers that she was nervously wriggling. Her lips...they were coated with light pink lipgloss and looked soft,cute but alluring like they were tempting you to taste them.

Get a hold of yourself Seth Baxter Rollands!!

I blinked and took a deep breath. Becca sniggered while Sharon coughed a very fake cough.

"What are you doing keeping a guest outside?" Alessa said breaking the uncomfortable silence. Then she flashed a charming smile and for a moment I saw Beth, since both of them had the same eyes, "come here soon to be son in law"

I was totally taken aback not expecting that at all. I froze.

"My mom is a little forward" Beth said after a while, they all walked to the door but I stood frozen in my place Beth came back then she extended her hand to me "let's go" I took her hand my brain still trying to process a lot of things.

We walked into the house and that's when I started processing how I was intertwining hands with Beth. When she tried to untwine our hands so she'd go upstairs my hands refused to let go.

Take note my hand refused to let go not me.

'You control your body doofus' my brain said.

'Yeah like I didn't put you in charge of that' I nearly rolled my eyes.

I was so caught up in my exchange with my brain that I didn't notice Beth had come closer until the scent of her apple shampoo hair gel filtered into my nose and I realized that she was so close that our breaths were fanning each other.

Her head was tilted and her lips slightly parted, my thoughts immediately diffused, my senses telescoped.

"Seth are you okay?" she pressed her cool fingers to my forehead. I swallowed.

"Um um I-I a-am fine"

"Think you can let go now" she lifted our hands "I need to bath"

Did she HAVE to tell me that?! Now I am imagining her naked.

Dear Lord.

Her lips were calling me.

Wait what?!

"Seth!! Seth!!!" she sounded worried now.

"Yeah?" I controlled my breathing.

"Are you sure you are ok? You seem to be out of it"

"I'm cool"



She pointed to our hands.

"Ah" I released her but not before my cheeks warmed up.

"So cute" she murmured.

"What's that?"

"Not-nothing" she stammered and tried to walk steadily to her room even though it was obvious that she wanted to run.

I chuckled. Of course I heard her call me cute but there is no way I'm going to say that.

After twenty minutes she came back in denim overall and a black turtle neck long sleeved crop top.

Chic and simple...


"Who'd like guacamole and chips? hmm?" she asked while tying her hair into a loose bun.

Everyone nodded and she turned to me with brows raised and a slight smile, "I'll eat it if I make it"

"Uhh...no the kitchen is my territory"

"I wasn't asking" I said gliding past her and entering the kitchen.

Alessa, Becca and Sharon came in the kitchen and sat down around the kitchen island wearing teasing smiles directed at Beth who folded her arms and pouted like a child that was denied her favorite ice cream.

"No fair, cooking is MY thing"

I laughed through my nose then patted her head, "okay how about we do it together"

"Do I get credit for it?"

Everyone cracked up at this, "c'mon Beth let him do it. Sides I wanna know how good he is" Becca said and everyone turned to her, "in the kitchen. phew you guys are so negatively minded"

"and who do we take after?" Sharon snorted.

"Shut up" Bec laughed "Seth the floor is yours work your magic"

"Thanks" I pushed Beth to a chair "please sit"

I tied the apron and set to work I was halfway through when Becca whispered, "is it me or does your boyfriend have a really nice ass?" I froze partially from Becca referring to me as Beth's boyfriend and majorly from a discussion about my...

I mean come on...

I continued what I was doing but it was hard cos I don't know if they're looking at what I'm doing, or their phones, each other, and God forbid my... behind.

I felt holes boring into my... I spun

"Um can you guys step out for a bit while I round up in here?" I tried to keep my voice under control but it still shook paired with my tomato cheeks.

They left but Becca gave me an evil smile.

'You're evil' I mouthed to her and she shrugged it off.

This girl...