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Is that... my wallet?


I've been standing in the same spot for the last ten minutes waiting for Beth to show up. I feel overdressed. Judge this:

Black leather jacket.

Deep grey tee shirt. I noticed that Beth liked grey.

Black jeans.

My hair...gelled and awesome. Its like I'm having an awesome hair day.

I even wore cologne.

It's getting harder to ignore all the passes from girls. Some, I even saw adding makeup to their faces. But I didn't care for them. My heart was set on seeing only one person.

Finally when I looked at her locker I saw Sharon and Becca. Becca was taking books out of Beth's locker. Hold on is she sick? But...she seemed VERY fine yesterday. Fine enough to kiss and hug me like that.

I walked towards them but slowed down when a tall guy stood behind Becca.

Is that the famous Lincoln? He was dressed simply. A tee shirt and jeans. Another reason I feel overdressed.

Becca turned around...holy cow...

That's not Becca it's Beth. She looks so beautiful like an angel.

That thought flew from my head the moment the guy removed a black leather wallet.

Is that...is that... MY wallet?

I strode towards them when I heard the principal give an announcement for all students to move to the basketball court. By the time I looked at Beth she and Sharon were already leading the big guy to the court.

When I got there I tried to get a seat close to Beth but I couldn't. I sat with a full row between us. I saw her looking at the big guy. Jealousy filled my heart.

If it was water it would fill up this court and drown us but not as fast as my frustration that she was showing interest in another guy. But its Lincoln so I'm cool.


I didn't know I was staring at her until Carter bumped me.

"Hey man what are you looking at?"

"Nothing" I mumbled.

"So did she agree?"

"Huh?" how did he know that I asked Beth out yesterday.

The principal started introducing the basketball players and Carter shut up for a while and I was thankful.

"...co-captain Lincoln Pierre"

A tall guy with jet black hair and grey eyes went up to the stage. I see why Becca fell. This guy is a specimen. He smiled and winked at someone from our cheerleaders. I guess that's Becca. Wait a minute if this is Lincoln. Then who's the other guy?

"I mean Beth did she say yes?" Carter whispered in my ears because girls were making horrible noises.

I stared at him completely lost for words. I hadn't told anyone yet. Did he read my texts? I fished out my phone from my pocket. Its here. Then what is he talking about?

"Ahhhhhh" girls started screaming and I had to cover my ears. When I looked towards the staage to see what the commotion was about my heart stopped for a minute.

"And captain Lance Houston"

A tall dark blonde was on the stage.

If Lincoln was considered a specimen then this guy... he...is a better specimen?

"Is Beth gonna bring Sharon to the bleachers?" he continued.

Oh. I heaved a big sigh. Thank goodness.

"Uh.. yeah she said she's down with it"

"Oh cool thought she was stuck up"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh you know she's a little bit arrogant. She treats everyone like they are dust"

"No she doesn't"

"I'm serious bro. One time Greg from the mathletes club you remember him? from...er... Rory's party last friday. The guy with the suspenders"

I remembered. That guy is a little...er ...too much. I nodded my head for Carter to continue.

"He accidentally kissed Beth one time last month I think... after a party"

"What?!" I was enraged and it took all my senses to not match over and punch him right now. "Mm hm what happened next?" I know Beth is a master of revenge.

"Well dude he thought she was Becca cause of the way she was dressed—"

"The way she was dressed?" please tell me she wasn't wearing one of her crop tops.

"Dude I didn't know she had a great figure until I saw her in a crop top and shorts.

Thats it I will burn every revealing cloth she owns.

"So what did she do?" I asked Carter.

But he was staring at the big guy in front. No... he's staring at Beth. I nudged him.

"What are you looking at?"

"Its just Beth...she looks pretty" I slapped his head.

"Aw hell no. She's stuck up remember?" I was in no mood for a love rival. Especially blonde ones.