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Eventful evening


So now I'm wondering what kind of trouble he got in that kept him away from his own son for two years. And why doesn't mom want me to meet up with him. Everything doesn't add up. It doesn't make any sense at all. I can't decipher this informa—

"why do you think you weren't able to call him for the past half month?" a short pause. "No you dimwit, I blocked you from his phone. Now I guess I'll just have to block this number and delete it" pause "stop trying to interfere with his life Kyle. His happy away from yo—" pause. A really long pause. When mom spoke it was in a harsh whisper. "And so what if I'm trying to keep my secret. It doesn't matter because he will never find out anyways. And I swear to all things holy if you dare spill a word to him, I will end you for real this time. Now get lost" I heard the tut tut.

With an urgency I only had when Bailey was with my phone I tiptoed back to my room. But I left my door slightly open so I could navigate her movements.

I was trying to calm down myself. What the hell were they hiding from me? What trouble did dad get into? Why did mom block him? Why is she trying to prevent us from meeting? Why did she have my phone in the first place? End him for real this time? What the heck does that mean? That she'll...no of course not. Mom isn't a murderer. Is she?

And most importantly who will answer all my questions?

I raked my hand through my hair. Then I went to stand in front of my mirror to arrange it with my fingers. Yes, I'm fingering my hair, come at me!

I heard a click. As if that was my cue, I went to the bathroom. I don't know exactly why I did it. Maybe its because I didn't have the guts to face her.

Maybe its because I can't ask her about what I heard. Maybe its because I'm afraid of the answer I might get. Maybe—

Argh! Enough with the maybes. I closed my eyes and listened. Footsteps. I tilted my head to the right since my right ear was more sensitive than my left.

Creak...I smiled. There was one floorboard in my room that always made a sound no matter how lightly I stepped on it. The noise was followed by a swift cuss.A smile tugged at my lips as I realized that I'm not the only one who was trying not to curse around Bailey.


My mom's presence means that Bailey is in this house. So that means mom neglected Bailey for her own selfish reasons. Typical. I wondered where the little girl was.

I stared at my self in the small mirror on the wall.

...🎼 mirror on the wall

here we are again

through my rise and fall

you've been my only friend...

Weird, why did that song enter my head just now. Well in ways it was true. A mirror can never lie to us. It shows us our real self. Guess mom needed a mirror then if she thinks that I'm still in the dark. It looks like I know someone's birthday gift this year.

I closed my eyes to stop the foolish tears that were trying to come out. Those liquid traitors. *sniff* Its just that me and mom were inseparable.

She was the dream mom. A little flaws here and there but she was there for me whenever I needed her.

And I can't say that for a lot of people. What could be so terrible she couldn't tell me, her bestie? Yes. me and mom call ourselves besties. In your face girlfriend...and boyfrien—? no dude.

When I was sure I was stabilized I moved out butt as I got to the bathroom door, I heard a click. I'm assuming that's my door. I walked out and went to pick my phone.

I looked at it for a while. Then I pressed the power button. Beth's smiling face was staring at me next. A selfie of the two of us was my lock screen wallpaper.

Cliché and cheesy? Whatever. I'd be those two things anyday for her.

I pocketed my phone and left for Beth's house. What is the freaking time by the way? When I got downstairs I saw mom.

I involuntarily gulped. I feel like a criminal for eavesdropping but in a way now I know that no one is perfect. Even mom. And I have a new goal to uncover her secret no matter how long it took.

"Hey sweetie" she smiled at me.

I blinked and looked away. "Hey" I breathed out.

"You ready for your date?" oh my Lord. She's tryna make small talk. Surprising for someone who just lashed out at her ex husband and keeping secrets from her son.

"Yep" my feet took me to the fridge because suddenly my throat got dry. I saw a bottle of water along with some beer and fruit drinks.

I was going to drive so no beer for me. And I didn't want to have strawberry breath. So water for me. I took it, uncorked the bottle and tilted my head back, enjoying the coolness of the liquid run down my throat.

Thats better. Now to my date.

I spun around and nearly shrieked again when I saw mom standing inches from me. "Mom do you need something?"

"No" she clapped her hands and walked back to the living room, with me trailing behind. "Just wanted my baby boy to know that I think he looks really handsome tonight" she said with a smile.

"Thanks" I said a little too stiffly. "Gotta go. Don't wanna be late"

She nodded and sat on one of the couches and started flipping through channels.

I opened the door only to be faced with an angry Cole on the door step. "Are you okay?" I asked. I had never seen him this red from anger before.

He just brushed past me, bumping my shoulder in the process. I just stood there in shock not really knowing how to process the situation.

He eyed my mother before letting out through his teeth, "we need to talk" before bounding upstairs.

Mom and I made eye contact before she averyed her eyes and followed her husband.

Well wasn't my evening eventful? I sighed and went to my pickup truck. I got in and drove to Beth's house.

I glanced at my phone when I got there. My eyes falling on the time.

