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Alpha male


What the actual f*ck?!! Like wahhhhhh?

This guy... it's either he's not drunk and simply poured alcohol on his clothes or he's got a high alcohol tolerance.

I mean his grip was so strong I was afraid it would crush my hands. Damn.

I was inclined to believe the latter because his words were a bit slurry and he fumbled in his movements.

He had pushed me to the ground and followed suit. His terrible breath was assaulting my nostrils. Was the some kind of lawsuit or punishment for this kind of nasal harassment? because I would like to use it.

Blood was still dripping down his head, it trailed into my clothes I could feel it wetting my beautiful mounds. The metallic smell mixed with the one from the wet sand was making me dizzy.

"You little slut. I was actually going to treat you nice. But now I'm just gonna do what I want"

I wiggled and twisted under him, trying to at least push him off me, my efforts though seemed furtile as my hands were pinned above my head and he had trapped himself between my legs.

But since he was using one hand to hold two of mine that was struggling violent, he found it difficult to unzip his pants and have his way.

"Help!!!" I screamed as loud as I could, willing the tears in my eyes not to fall. I wasn't going to look weak in front of this perverted psycho.

"Quit screaming darling, no one's gonna hear you" he said as he dipped his head and sucked my exposed neck.

I shifted my head but it only seemed to excite him because he dipped his teeth into my neck. I screamed some more and added some profanities. To this drunk fool. To Seth for making me wait and this finding myself on the brick of r*pe. To Becca. To everyone i could think of and lastly to Nelly who was supposed to be here by now.

I never thought I would lose my firsts to this guy. At least he didn't steal my first kiss since I had already been pecked by Lance then had a real kiss with Seth.

"...Beth? hello? are you still there? oh my God..." I heard beside my ear. With my peripheral vision I spotted my phone. I didn't cut the call and it seemed that Nelly hadn't either.

Bless her soul.

An idea entered my head. Actually I'm sure that was Lis talking but since I'd be the one doing it, its my idea right? hehe..

"You are a coward" I said to him.

"Oh really? does it take a coward to do this?" he ground his hips against mine. I felt everything. Everything... Urghh

That's it. I'm going monk, I mean im gonna drive my ass to a seminary school and dedicating my life to being a nun. Celibacy here I come.

I wonder how I would look bald, oh wait it's the monks that shaves their heads not nuns. But if I did I'd probably still be beautiful with a masculine attractiveness. I for one would gush at my own face.

[A/N: cue dramatic eye roll. I can't believe you... ]

"Hmph that's exactly what a coward would do. I mean if you really wanted to approach me why do it on the 'isolated part of the beach close to the public toilet' " i hoped Nelly would catch onto what I was insinuating.

[In the oncoming vehicle:

Lance: that must be where she is. (he silently applauds her intelligence in this situation, but his face darkened as he thought of the dangerous situation she was in)

Nelly: Carter drive faster,( Beth please hold on she says into the phone tears gathering in her eyes)

Carter: 🎶Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow...(I wonder if mom has sent the pastries list)

Nelly and Lance: "..." ]

I kept struggling with him, delaying him from pulling down his zipper. He attempted to kiss me but I turned my head so fast I almost heard a bone crack.

He opted to lick my neck and I shivered from the disgusting way he was making slurpy kissy noises. I was sure my neck was dripping with saliva. Eww...

Taking his mild distraction into consideration I looked for loopholes. Apparently this guy has a neck fetish...my poor neck your innocence has been lost.

I promise to mourn your death.

I had somehow managed to move my pinned hands and grabbed my phone. This was the only chance of escapade that I had and by God will I take it.

The sucker was still sucking my neck. I mentally facepalmed at what I just said. I cleaned my canines and readied them for battle. In one swift move I bit hard on his neck as a vampire would to her prey.

He screamed and literally deafened me. His hands flew to his neck and that, lads and lasses was my cue. I ran as fast as I could. My direction wasn't towards the shop as before but to the driveway.

I prayed in my head that I would see anybody. But my luck wasn't so good tonight. My hair was roughly pulled backwards. The pain shot to my brain.

"You little hoe. Did you think that you could outrun this daddy? I'll have you know that this daddy has awards in races"

I rolled my eyes in spite of my state. Who cared what this daddy had won? Eww now I called him daddy. Where's my toothbrush?

I elbowed him but he only clung tighter to my hair and delivered a furious slap to my cheeks while holding his stomach.

"I will make you pay" he gritted through his teeth.

"You are the only one who going to pay if you don't back off" we heard an angry alpha male say.

Was that my alpha male?