
Christa woke up early the next morning to get to work. She had a piece of toast and a sip of coffee before grabbing her bag, and her flyer, and heading out the door. The car ride was shorter than expected and Christa was able to put up her flyer before introducing herself to the manager.

"Hello, I'm the new employee, Christina Hugh. But you can just call me Christa. It's nice to meet you!" She brushed a loose strand of her dark hair from her face and made eye contact with the manager. He was an older man, probably in his mid to late forties with broad shoulders and a soft smile.

"It's very nice to meet you too, Christa. Your uniform is in the employee room in the back," he pointed to a door labeled employee's only nearby, "when you're done getting dressed, I'll teach you the basics. I look forward to working with you!"

"Thank you!" Replied Christa politely. She headed off to the back room and opened the door to a tall girl in a brown apron.

"Oh hello." Said the girl, "You must be the new girl, my name's Shay. What's yours?"

"Oh, I'm Christa."

"Well nice to meet ya." Her eyes looked over Christa hungrily before she walked over to the front of the shop.

Although she was a bit unsettled by her coworker, Christa shrugged it off. She walked into the employee room and grabbed her brown uniform before heading to the bathroom to change.

Throughout the day, Christa helped serve costumers. She thought she saw Shay looking at her every once and a while, but whenever she looked over, Shay had her back turned or was preparing a drink.

By the end of the day, Christa was worn out and ready to go home.

"Hey do you want a ride?" Asked Shay in a friendly tone.

"Oh I have my own car. But thanks for offering!" Replied Christa.

Looking disappointed, Shay said, "Okay cool. See you tomorrow."

"See you." Christa hopped into her car and drove back home.

"So how was it?" Asked her mother curiously.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be."

"Well that's a relief. I'm so glad you managed to do it without panicking!"

"Wait, you thought I was gonna panic and leave?" Asked Christa, surprised.

"Oh no dear. Jaiden and I had a bet on if you would come home early from a panic attack or not, and lucky for me I said no."

"So you're telling me that Jaiden said I would freak out and run?"

"Yup, and he owes me 10 big ones!" Replied her mother, clearly pleased with herself.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Said Christa, "That little brat didn't have faith in me!"

She pulled out her phone, about to text Jaiden about the bet, when she saw a new notification. She clicked it and read:

Hey I saw your flyer up by I Don't Give a Frappe! I have room in my apartment for another person so hit me up if you're interested!