Chapter 3: Wheels of Fate

After finishing the breakfast, she wore wedges and got started off to the office.

Her Father was waiting for her outside the gate, to drop her to the location where the office Bus arrives.

 Monday, 7:35 AM.~

The Bus arrived and she hopped on the steps quickly occupying the window seat in the first row near the entrance.

Putting on her Bluetooth headset and resuming her sleep-time playlist of songs,  she dozed off.

She woke up, just when she was near to the Bus bay and was about to get off. 

She was lazing around until the last person got off from the Bus.

Now! She was wide awake from her slumber and took lazy steps getting off the bus.

'Ah! How come I get lazy when it involves work?? I think it runs in my veins!'

'Oh!! I've never introduced myself , right??

Well, here we go... I have graduated in 3 completely different subjects!- That's not important!

I'm a very ordinary girl, with an IQ of 196, A heap bundle of knowledge in History and Mythologies,

Maybe I'm sort of a research fanatic person, as I involve myself in several studies. One thing I'm most proud of is my memory, I remember the tiniest of details which is of no use practically! - These are all nonsense in my bio though..

Ok!! I'll make another introduction, 


Color- Fair

Profession - Software professional

Looks - Not so bad

Height- Good enough

Zodiac- Leo

Personality- A complete Tomboy

Hobbies- you'll be ignored

Most important thing you need to know about me: I haven't had a single boyfriend for the past 25 years!!!

Can you believe that?? Not a single person has proposed to me till now!! 

What do you call that?? My life "SUCKS"!'

" I don't even understand why I am making such nonsensical self introduction with myself!"

"And here I am completely drenched in rain, and the steps to the office are still far away!"

"Why am I even taking the Bus??" she grumbled, in her monologue.

' It's not that I don't like the rain.. I actually love rain!'

She was walking up the stairs to her building, continuing with her solo conversation, she was making light and slow steps to the building without paying attention to the person getting down

"And this smell(whisper)..... I looove you-ou!mmmmmphh?!?!?"

She tripped on her feet and grabbed the nearby object with a strong grip, forcing the object which is now a locomotive one to fall with her with her head first bumping to the the edge of the stairs, but unexpectedly her world became downside up thrice, and was cushioned by a hard mattress and her lips got blocked with something ultra cold and incredibly soft object.

In her panic when she was about to finish the "ouch", her lips parted making a foreign object enter her mouth.

With a state of panic for the uninvited intrusion realising that she was being ki...kissed. She gave a hard shove to the person she was lying on and ran towards her office entrance.

Without noticing her surroundings and due to the lack of people in the corridor, she directly waltzed into the washroom without noticing the signs and pushed open the door in her flustered state.

With a *bang the door was opened, and she entered the washroom. But, there was a Man doing his business, well.... with the scare she gave, he abruptly turned towards her violating her virgin eye's.

Wide eyed, she was about to shout "Per - mmph!!"

He dashed towards her with an inhumane speed and forced her mouth with his dirty hands!!

Being disgusted with his fingers touching her face, she struggled to get rid of his nasty hands.

"Hush!" He silenced her, with his hoarse voice.

" Keep calm ok?? This is Men's room and you're the one who'd be called a pervert if someone comes!" said the guy.

Her pupils shrunk and she lifted an eyebrow.

'Am I?'

There was some commotion raising outside, and just when he was distracted she took the opportunity to get away from the pervert and the washroom.

Outside, there were people making a commotion.

"There was a superstar in the men's room."

Oblivious to the outside chatter, she moved her body accidentally rubbing his manhood.

When the voices got closer and she was trying to making a run he suddenly pinned her to the washroom door, and when she was about to yell "What the Mmmmmph"

For the second time in the same minute, her mouth was shut with something soft but warm this time.

Her mind was completely blank this time, and she felt  something hard obstructing near her thighs.

Coming back to reality, and in a panic,  she kicked whatever invaded her personal space as hard as she can!!

The man fell down, crouching sideways cursing "Fu** ".

The girl coldly glanced at him saying, " Go Fu** yourself!! A**hole!!"

She stomped angrily away from the washroom avoiding the crowd and got outside of the back entrance of the office in fast, yet composed steps.

" How dare that pervert and the Jerk outside with the mint taste kiss me??"

"I'll rip their manhood apart if they ever come near me!!" 

"The Audacity of these punks!! To kiss ME?? out of all people?!? That too within a span of a minute!!"

"I'll never forget you creepy bast**** and make sure to show HELLLLLL!!"

"Wait! Taste????????!!!!"


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! DAMN YOU STUPID, ANNOYING JERK!! THAT WAS MY FIRST KISSS!!!"

"My precious maiden lips.. which I was preserving for my husband!! They were stolen by 2 bast****!!"

"Mommyyy!! How can I get kissed continuously by 2 different person's?!?"


"Huh?!? I was first kissed by the mint(forget that!) Jerk, and later by the pervert. Which means...."


"Yes yes.. That's how it is, my lips are still pure, the rain has washed the nasty scent, and I still haven't had my first kiss!!"

" Haha... I've worried over nothing!"

" Now! Off to work."

"Machine,Here I come!!"


No matter how hard she denies, deep inside she does know she was fooling herself, and her instinct says to never meet/encounter them again.

Well.... That was actually the minute when her wheels of fate started moving. Giving birth to the most Epic Love story where Both the answers are correct and she can "Choose" only one!! What would be her CHOICE??