Chapter 9: Mamma's boy


After listening to his father's remark about his "sexual orientation", he immediately snapped out of his reverie and gave a punch to his Father's shin, throwing the poor  guy, out of his way.

"Shut up, you stupid Old man! I'm perfectly normal!" he roared, at his father.

"YESS! Now, I know for sure Son!" he said, rubbing his shin with his left hand, and giving a thumbs up with the other hand.


"Big brother, when can we meet your girlfriend?" asked, his younger sister.

His father immediately jumped in front of him, like a dog wagging his tail in front of its owner, with a sparkle in his eyes.

A vein popped on Ari's forehead.

"Damn you, old man. I never said she was my girlfriend." 

"Further, if I have to introduce our family, I'll never take you with us!" he growled.

"Wait! I don't even know her, and she is NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!" he shouted, more to himself than at his father.

"And, she is...scary..." he mumbled softly, so that they can't hear.

'Mom will be disappointed in me, if she knows!' he thought, with a guilty expression on his face.

But, all the 4 family member's and maidservants, including the butler heard it crystal clearly.

"What did you do?" asked his older sister Ira, in a teasing tone.

He got goosebumps all over his body, when he saw the accusing look on his mother's face.

"Mom-", he tried to explain like a kid who was caught stealing cookies, from the cookie jar.

"Let's speak in my Study." butted his father, accompanying his wife to the room, with Ari following  them.

His sister's, just looked at each other and shrugged off.

In the Study Room~

His parent's sat on the huge sofa, side by side and Ari was sitting on the settee in the opposite, facing them.

"What happened?" inquired his father, in a fatherly tone, which was unusually serious compared to his normal nagging complaining one.

Ari took a deep breath, and explained everything that happened in the building, including the Men's room details.

After finishing his explanation, there is a brief moment of silence in the study.

When Ari slowly lifted his head to see the look on his mom's face after the explanation, she suddenly said in a calm and serene voice, " You shouldn't force yourself on a girl, no matter how desperate the situation was." his mother explained to him.

"Yes mom. I'm sorry for disappointing you, and I'll apologise to her, when I meet her next time." he said in an apologetic tone, lowering his head.

"Pfft-" came a muffled laughter from his father.

Both mother and son turned their heads to the side, towards the source of noise.

His Father had his mouth covered with one hand, and slowly pushed his glasses from the bridge of his nose saying, "She'll make a good wife, Just.... like your mother!" he said kissing his dear wife, on the side of her head.

"Dear?!?" his mother scolded his father, for the PDA in front of her son.

Ari had his mouth opened ajar.

"But Dad, she is nothing like mom. She has awfully quick reflexes, and she might kill me on the spot, the next time she sees me! Also, she looks way too cute but, mom looks absolutely beautiful!" he blabbered, comparing the girl and his mother, without noticing the look on his parents face's.

"He's Lovestruck" whispered his mother, to her husband.

"That's Love at first sight for you darling." he whispered back.

"Like Father, Like Son!" she commented, with a soft smile adoring her lips.

The Father had a fond smile on his face and turned towards his son, who was still blabbering about his new found Love.

"-she has this big eye's which was seductive at one time and scary in the next moment, also-"

His father had a dumb look on his face, looking at his son....

'Oi, Oi, why're you this talkative in front of your mother? And what is it, with that description? It really makes one curious.' his father really wanted to ask him, but decided against it.

"Ok! So, what's her name?" he asked his son.

Ari stopped talking, and had a blank look on his face.

His father's nerves twitched on his forehead.

"Don't tell me, that you don't know a single detail of her, except that you kissed her, and got your balls kicked?" queried his father, pressing on him.

He immediately turned his face away looking upwards while blushing from head to toe.

His mother laughed looking at her son, who was acting like a kindergartner who found his first crush.

Listening to his wife's * tinkle of laughter, he just sighed and said, " I'll get the details in an hour, and don't act brashly, listening to her description, she might really make you a gay in your next meeting." he said bursting his Son's happiness bubble.

Ari immediately straightened up, and said in a serious yet grateful tone, "Thank you dad! Love you Mom! See you in the Lunch." he raised from the sofa and exited the study room.

Smirking, his father thought 'Kids!'. And suddenly something struck him, His son wanted to use his connections to get her details.

That was his plan from the beginning! and here, he was wondering, 'Why he was so talkative in front of him all of a sudden. He really loves his mother more huh?!? '

"That Brat!" he yelled.

"No wonder he's a world renowned Actor!" he bellowed.

"He could definitely take over the Business after Me!" he complained.

His wife placed her small hands on him in a soothing way saying, " Do not forget, He is 'Your Son'!", she emphasized.

He sheepishly said, " yeah, yeah I'm sorry my acting skills are good. But you always see right through them!" trying to convince his wife, who just shook her head out of helplessness.

Ari, who has successfully completed his mission, had a smirk on his face adding haughtiness to his Punk attitude.

'You don't recognize me? I'll make sure to imprint my face in your memory forever! First, you have to be ready for the surprise tomorrow.' he thought, having a soft grin on his handsome features, making him look more lovable than he already is.