Chapter 12: Have we met before?

Now.... A bigger spoonful of ice cream, but this time, the whole scoop came in her spoon.

The image of a skinny girl holding a mountain load of food in her spoon did make a funny picture to look at, making others wonder with sympathy about her bad luck, 'unexpectedly digging the whole scoop'.

'Silly girl!' everyone thought, shaking their heads.

But to their astonishment, She took the mountain load to her small mouth and swallowed it immediately.

She had a huge grin after her "Jaw-dropping" feat, making all the viewers look at her with utter disbelief, with their jaws dropped to the floor

After eating the whole scoop of ice cream, she relaxed back on the chair contentedly with a happy *sighhh.

'This is heaven!' she thought, holding her spoon like a pen on the table.

' sandwich', she thought and sat straight making an elegant posture to have a bite of the ignored sandwich.

She took the sandwich with both her hands and took a small bite where more cheese was leaking out of the folds of the bread with closed eyes.

'*chomp, mmhmm!! he hihi hehehe' she was relishing the exquisite taste of each and every ingredient stuffed in her bite with a content smile and giggles to herself.

After slowly chewing and gulping the bit sized food, she placed her palm on the cheek where she chewed her bit sized food, in a mesmerized state slowly opening her long eyelashes, saying " I Looove th-", and stopped mid-sentence, when she noticed two persons occupied her vision one hugging her backpack like a father holding his only kid, and the other sitting cross-legged placing her scarf on his thighs like an ancient scroll that requires immediate attention by his majesty.

She cleared her throat in an awkward manner and adjusted the cap on her head, she said "Sorry.." and hurriedly grabbed her bag and scarf from both directions.

She was so fast in taking her stuff away from them, that it looked like she was attacking them by the way she maintained her body posture.

There were several guns pointed at her by men who were a foot taller than her wearing black suits and glasses in a cold demeanor.

The two men immediately covered her in a lightning speed in such a way that she became a meat patty covered by two huge slices bread in a sandwich, except there was no contact with their bodies.

She quickly processed the situation and lifted her hands up saying,"I don't want my stuff to dirty their clothes!" she said, pouting as she was being wrongly accused.

The bread, oops! The two men gave a sharp glare at their men to which they quickly resigned their positions expertly hiding themselves once again.

The two men sat in their previous seats,waiting for her to take her seat which was annoyingly in front of the other person.

There was a sudden change in her demeanor, losing her previous childishness replaced with a cold aura. She ignored the two men, took her tray, found another isolated table with a single chair and walked towards that direction.

Sitting on the chair, placing the tray on the table, she placed the straw in her Frappe, her mouth enclosing it, taking a mouthful of liquid that immediately cooled her head from her previous temper.

"Sweets work better", "-during these times' she confirmed with a nod, closing her eyes, taking really long sips with satisfaction.

When she was about to take another sip, there were two- the one's from the previous "bodyguards" placing a chair one at each of her side.

The empty sides were occupied by the previous men, whom she just got away from!

When she was about to question the men for their constant disturbance, she unexpectedly found herself between the glaring contest between these two men.

'Interesting.....' she thought and was about to once again move away from "her" place, but was immediately stopped by the two men who got up from their seats, each person holding her hand tightly that she was forced to sit down on the chair.


"Don't leave!"

They both said in unison.

The two men once again started their glaring contest.

"Leave.", said the person in Black formal shirt, neatly tucked in his pants and cuffs neatly folded to slightly reveal his masculine arms.

"Let go!" said the one wearing a black sweater, complementing his slightly tanned skin and sleeves pulled up to his elbows.

The person who was pinned was complimenting the godly physical structure, possessed by these two people and was about to venture the other areas(face), when she was suddenly pulled with force by the Man in formal shirt, to which she stopped herself from colliding into his chest by hardly pressing her heeled boots on his formal leather shoes(probably hand-stitched),making the offender widen his eyes in surprise.

She immediately twisted her arms in a backwards direction making the men's hands go twisted with pain to consequently release their hold on her.

She dusted her hands with the back of her hand to the other one and took a tissue from her tray to remove the remaining germs that contacted her.

The two had their heads shadowed with thick black clouds by her action.

'I wonder what she did after that incident....' they both thought in unison.

Getting rid of the tissue to the side, sitting on the chair in an arrogant, Unladylike fashion, hiding herself from the prying eyes by the two giants in front of her.

She crossed her legs, resting her elbow on the back of her chair, her body slightly tilted towards the left.

Lifting her head in a bored way, she said in a low yet powerful voice, "Sit." which left no space for arguments and was an absolute command.

To which the formal dude immediately complied and sat down making the other one stick out like a sore thumb.

Irritated, she suddenly moved her leg towards the chair, pulling it from its original position making a hard strike to the back of the other person's knees, forcing him to sit down in the chair in a stumbling way and cross legged once again but in the opposite direction. This time facing the obedient dude giving him a sharp look when he had a slight smile at her action's.

The disobedient dude was in a complete shock to utter any other word from his mouth.

He just looked at her like a fish gaping for water.

"Who are you?" she turned towards the obedient dude first, stopping the sore thumb with a stop sign to not make a ruckus.

"Who do you think I am?", he questioned her in return, to which she gave a brilliant smile and replied with, "What business do you have with a peasant like me?"she questioned.

He stretched his fisted hand towards her, asking her to hold out her palm, to which she complied with a confused look.

He dropped an object that made a *zing sound in her palm without touching her.

Satisfied with his quick-witted nature, but still a bit dissatisfied to be treated like an untouchable, she looked at the familiar object and realized what it was and immediately gave the object a loving kiss forgetting it was in another persons hold before reaching its owner.

The person felt a strange *Kyuu in the place where his heart was located.

"Thank you soooo much!! I was worried sick about losing this. I didn't think I would get it back from you this soon!!!

"Wait! let me treat you! what will you have? My treat! You too!!", she said turning to the neglected one with happiness oozing out from her body in every motion she made.

Looking at her happy face accompanied with her childish smile, he forgot all the complaints, discontentment, and especially the shocking behavior and usage of long sentences by the person who was seated opposite him.

He just turned his face to the side abashed, "Whatever you're having. I feel like it may taste good." he said like an ignored kid by his mother.

"Good, good!" she said, ruffling his hair surprised by how soft it felt to her touch despite its spiky looks."I always have a good taste with stuff that I want!" she boasted.

"You?"she turned towards the first person, still patting the other person's head.

He looked towards her beautiful hand, his ugly hair and back to her smiling face.

"Same." he replied pointing towards her tray.

She retraced her hand from the other person's hair and searched for her card in her pant pockets.

"Okay!" she said, getting up but a waiter came towards her asking,

"Do you need anything else Ma'am?"

Sitting down back on her seat, she gave the orders for them and gave her credit card to him.

She turned towards the other person with a curious face and asked him, "I feel like I've seen you somewhere.....Have we ever met before?" she questioned him with doubt written all over her face.

If any other person asked him the question, he would definitely think of it like a pick up line, except the genders were swapped here!

He gulped hardly remembering the stare she gave him on that fateful day, and chose to keep his mouth shut.

'Puu-' came a sound from the other side making the heads in conversation turn towards the source of the sound.

The spikey head was in utter disbelief and the long-haired head was in a confusion state.

the sole reason for his supposed "laugh".

But he was back to his poker face by the time they looked at him.

"Whaaat?' she asked in a whiney way.

He simply looked at the person opposite to him in a provoking manner.

The person resumed his usual scowl and cleared his throat grabbing both of their attention.