Chapter 19: Apologize?

"Have your breakfast. And you can leave for work." he said, looking straight forward instead of her face that was annoyed by him.

"Really?!?" she asked with a skeptical look, with a hint of happiness in her voice.

To which, he turned to her with a slight smile in his eyes,

"Deal. On a condition that, you'll have to eat with me" he said with a nod, stating his condition.

"Okay." she said with an eyebrow raised in doubt, and somewhat relieved inside.

'It's her!' confirmed Aja's parents, relating to the incident 3 days ago!.

'That's why! My son.... was searching for her. He finally met someone who can move his heart' thought his mother with a doting look towards the couple in the weird position who are making a conversation, like a business deal.

She jabbed her husband from the side, pulling him closer. In a whisper she said, "He's got all your bad habits!" she blamed him.

To which he responded with a tint of blush on his pale handsome face.

"So Cute!" she exclaimed, giving a kiss to his cheek tip-toeing.

With the sudden interruption in their conversation, the girl finally felt something was off about these couples,thinking 'Why do they look familiar?'

Ignoring all the commotion, Aja walked towards the table with a single chair.

'Has he gone nuts? How are "we" supposed to eat with a single chair?' she thought confused, trying to analyse what he was doing.

She felt relaxed, more like-She felt like she was playing on a swing.

So, she didn't mind the jolly ride from him.

Aja walked towards the single chair and placed her on his lap like a precious treasure.

She immediately got up from the awkward position.

He reflexively blocked her exit without touching her, which made her fall back to her previous place with a slight force.

Aja flinched with a slight emotion in his eyes, as she fell on his "Junk".

"This is ridiculous!" she exclaimed, turning to him with anger in her eyes, but backed away noticing how close his face was to hers, with a startled expression.

Noticing her wariness, he looked to his assistant signaling him, and said to her with an impassive face,

"This is my condition."

It finally *clicked to her with realization. She was TRAPPED!

"Pervert!" she mumbled.

He slightly raised his brows to her retort.

'Okay! I might as well use you as a Chair!' she thought with an evil grin, making herself comfortable on the "Chair".

She didn't notice the tightly clenched fists of her "Chair" due to her adjusting, and in the process making the "Chair" flinch with each of her movements.

In the next few minutes, there was another table attached to their table with few chairs placed and a feast appeared on the now.... Family table.

'This was expected, coming from these rich folks! So.... they're their parents huh?!? I sure have met with bad luck that day!' she thought, looking at the scene that was covering her eyes.

She sat in a poised manner, like a real working class woman as she is, making the "Chair's" knuckles turn completely white.

Looking at the big shots occupying each chair, and Ari positioning himself towards her side, she maintained a straight face with respect as an obedient junior.

Both Aja and Ari, were surprised by her sudden change in demeanor.

"Sorry dear, My son was rude to you....I apologize, on his behalf" came a doting yet soft voice of a stunning woman in her thirties or forties.....the girl was not sure.

She looked at the mother and realized, she was the "chair's" mother! meaning the 'handsome one' on her right was the "Chair's" father.

'No wonder....He looks ridiculously handsome!' she thought annoyed by the "fact", looking at the elderly? couple.

She just gave a polite smile, and didn't say anything.

"Little Sister! The one who was in the wrong should apologize!" came a manly voice.

Gazing at the Man with dashing looks, she widened her eyes in surprise and looked at Ari.

'That! Is.... some striking resemblance to my Fat pocket! Ah~My eyes are having a feast today with all these good-looking people in the morning!' she thought, with a gleam and sighing.

"Damn right! Aunt! you spoil him too much!" agreed Ari, still angry with Aja.

"Now, now Ari, Dear,.....Don't be so mean to Aja! You know how he Is..." came an angelic voice, who looked like a real angel.

"But Mom-"started Ari, but stopped when his mother gave a soft smile, that said- to stop giving the "chair" a hard time.

'No wonder! He's a Mama's boy, huh?!? So Cute...' she thought with a fond smile, looking at their interaction.

"Aja... Apologize." came a deep voice from the handsome man that the chair half-inherited from, with no room to arguments.

"Sorry...I was wrong" came an almost immediate reply from behind her, giving her a death-scare.

She slowly turned her head with wide eyes, thinking she might've been imagining things.

But to her utmost surprise, he was really apologizing to HER?!?

She gaped like a fish out of water at this absurd situation.

'Ahhh.....He was a Dad's Kid huh?!? He really is loved by everyone here.' she thought, with an endearing smile.

She turned back towards the people in front of her, without saying anything to the "Chair", ignoring him for the (n+1) th time, that day.

She cleared her throat as it felt restricted by something, garnering everyone's attention at the table.

"I am sorry, I've forgot to introduce myself" she started politely.

"I am Ahi..... Pleased to meet you!" she said, tilting her head with a sweet, innocent smile, that meant no harm but pure happiness saying her Birth Name.


That's it folks! I've really struggled very hard to bring the story to reach this point.

I really felt that I took a risk making this story....with the plot in my mind. The Character's design felt really really hard so many times while writing these chapters.

How do you feel about our heroine's Introduction now?!? The next chapter, there will be a surprise!!

But, this is my personal question... who do you like more?? Aja or Ari?!?

Please give me an Honest review about your feelings for my plot, until now..... I'd like to know if I am able to reach your imagination properly. Because, that's what I prefer when I read a book.

Thanks to the people, who added my book to your collection! A huuuge Kiss to you guys!! Love you.😘