Chapter 33: Your house?

"That's Why. No one would hit on your boyish sister." said an annoyed Ivaan.


"How dare you say she looks like a boy? She is the cutest little person I've ever seen!" came an immediate retort from Arit.

"More the reason, nobody would hit on that brat!" yelled Ivaan.


"You're right! What if they are pedophiles?" gasped Arit, with sudden realization and horror creeping on his face.

Aja has a black shadow formed on his face for being labeled as a Pedophile once again.(Not on purpose, though~)



Ahi took slow, dangerous steps, towards her over anxious brother.

She took the alcohol bottle near the table and placed it with a *bang on her brother's head, making him bite his tongue.

"Oy! Shorty. Look at yourself before labeling me as a brat." she said, with an annoyed expression.

"And you!" she turned towards her brother who was writhing in pain, holding his mouth,