Chapter 41: Sculpture of God's

Ahi was on her knees on Ari's lap, moving and giggling, but mostly strandling the poor guy.

"Hey Superstar! Get me the one that my sister had, for a drink." Said Arit, sitting in his seat.

"Um..., That one has a high alcohol content." Said Ari, a bit nervous.

"What? You mean, I actually can't compare to someone, who has her first alcohol and can still think straight?!?" Came a retort from Arit.

Ari sweatdropped at Arit's statement.

'Well, he was not entirely wrong.' contemplated Ari.

Ari motioned for the person nearer to him.

Arit was given a full bottle instead of being served in a glass like Ahi's.

"I guess your family gene's do have a High alcohol tolerance." Said Ari, looking at Arit who was about to bottoms up.

"You bet!" Smirked Arit.

When Arit brought the bottle closer to his mouth, the strong smell of alcohol intoxicated him. 'Woah! this is some strong stuff.' he thought, and lifted the bottle.

But Ari was unable to consume even a small mouthful.