Chapter 60: Goddess

Arit was standing in an awkward posture with his hand holding the sword with no one to give to, and completely making a misunderstanding erupt between him, his sister and a certain Cold Monster.....* ahem.... King*.

Aja walked to his seat which is located on the high grounds that is a bit far from the sparring area, and sat on the chair like an emperor on his throne.

"Begin." Came a low, deep growl from the throne...*ahem.....Chair.

Ahi was startled, when all her friends and family evacuated the place to reach the higher ground away from her.

She frowned with the sudden occurrence of events.

' I'm not mentally prepared!!!!!' she screamed in her head.

' I've thought of making some clauses in this contest, so that I could convince that 'Jerk'  to accept me as his student. '

' But !!! With the current situation.... It looks like I've to resign to my fate now. * Sniff....Life is too horrible with me...' she cried pitifully.

"Wait. Something doesn't seem-"