Chapter 62: Well-played Wifey!

On the upper grounds~

Moka: "....." Facepalmed herself with a *sigh.

Ivaan: " .....,...," his eyebrow kept twitching, with the sudden change in behaviour of a certain someone.

Arit: " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " his jaw dropped to the floor, thinking he was having some hallucinations.

Aja: "....." He was wrapped with a gloomy atmosphere around him.

' She saw me naked in the Morning, but didn't even give a proper look at me. Now she's fawning over that Brat?!? '

The more he thought about it, the gloomier the atmosphere around his surroundings spread from him.

Ahi: She suddenly turned around towards Aja and the group while pointing towards, A half-naked Ari, " Is this considered defeating him?" she asked Aja, tilting her to a side in an innocent way, making her look pure and childish.

If not for the behaviour she exhibited a few seconds ago, everyone would have believed her innocent question.

Arit: " That Idiot!"

Ivaan: " That Idiot!"

Moka: " That Idiot!!!"