Chapter 72: Loser?

Meanwhile, in the Cottage~  

The whole cottage turned into a huge icicle, in the deepest part of winter lands.

A certain Cold monster *Ahem.....King* was seated near the wine cabinet, and leisurely having some vintage wine, twirling his glass which has visible cracks, that may break off anytime soon.

He was accompanied by a bear like person, who kept chugging "his" wine like water.

Arit: ' Waah~ This is the best wine collection, ever!' he thought, with a blissful grin.

"Say..... Mr.Ray, How do you know that my sister has such frightening sword skills." he asked with a serious tone, but his expression didn't match the tone.

Aja gave a side glance to him for a brief moment, and once again focused on the crackling glass of wine, which covered his bleeding palms.

"She was...just playing." came an aloof answer from him.

Arit: 'Eh?!?' What does that even mean?!!!