Chapter 143: Eye-candy!

Her small fists that were still grabbing Aja's neatly pressed open-collared shirt, was tightly clenched, crumpling it in a sorry-state, as she pulled him closer to her face with a deeply etched frown on her adorable features.

To say Aja was startled would be an understatement with the sudden twist of moments.

But due to his years of paralysed state in facial features, his face remained his usual stoic self, with a slight widening of his eyes that couldn't be noticed, until one paid close attention to it.

"You! What do you think of me?" she snapped at him in a hissed voice, before he could process the situation in his mind.

Aja looked at her with a blank expression, giving her a hard stare, making her frown go much deeper.

After a while~ "....-My Wife." he replied.


Trying to calm herself, Ahi closed her eyes in a fluttering motion, where her eyelids visibly trembled, as she released a cold huff at his answer.