Chapter 158: Emergency contact!


Ari: " What will you say, if your sister asks about the injuries? " he asked, giving a side-eye to his brother-in-law, who was leaning on him for support, with one hand around his shoulder.


Arit: Spitting out the blood, while wiping the corners of his mouth with the back of his other hand, " You are an actor. Just think of something. If not, she will immediately catch on that- you are the reason for my disfigured face and crippled joints!" he said, putting a bit more weight on Ari for support.


Ari: " Hey! You are the one, who told me to be serious!" he tried to defend himself.

Arit: " Heh~ Don't show-off! I was the one who showed you mercy, as your face and body are the selling factors, for both your profession, and with my sister! " he snorted.

" As if my sister would give a second glance to you, if you turn ugly all of a sudden! " he added, as an afterthought, making Ari's face covered in shadows.