Chapter 164: Bagged the Bachelors..

Lily: " Good for you! You've caught the wealthiest fish out there! " she said, playing accordingly to Ahi(thinking Ahi was trying to fool her, in order to evade the topic on who the guy really was!).

' Is he the same one I am thinking of? '

" But wait! Isn't he a homo? There is a reason why I rejected an arranged marriage meeting with him once! "

" Hmm? Though, judging from your behaviour and that mark... I think he's quite a deal in this area too! Tell me, how was the mighty Aja Ray able to seduce my stubborn little Ahi into womanhood? Wanna share? "

Ahi: " Share what? " she asked innocently, tilting her head to the side.

Lily: " Your Aja of course silly! " she laughed off.

Suddenly turning serious, Ahi's eyes dangerously narrowed at Lily. 

Taking a pillow nearby, she pushed it into lily's face and forced her to lie down on the bed.

" Enough goofing around! Have some rest! " she said, in a stern voice.