Chapter 167: Jealousy~

 Aakarth: " Huh? " he asked, with a bewildered look in his eyes. 

Ahi: " Huh?!? " she repeated, confused with Aaakarth's sudden interruption.

" What did you-"

*Knock knock

'-just call me?' he swallowed the remaining words, with the sudden knock on the door.

Amongst the two loggerheads, one-confused, the other-surprised~ The confused one looked into the direction of the disturbing noise source.


With a click- the door was opened, revealing a curvy looking nurse bringing a few medical equipment with her.

Ahi's eyes immediately caught the scary looking medical equipment on the tray the nurse was carrying- and had a confused look on her face as for whom it is meant for!

Just to be on safeside, she slowly crawled backwards, nearer to the edge of the awfully huge bed- ready to get off of it any time, if the nurse ever approached her.