Chapter 191: Facial paralysis

Yash: Holding back his comments and queries regarding Ahi's talent, and the myriad of praises he heard from his technical staff inquiring about her, " I am listening " he said, suddenly turning serious, back to his business look.

Ahi: " Just tell me, what was the contract period for developing the software with the client? and when are you willing to end it now. "

" Ah! Also, the time and date when you would be needing me."

" I guess your technical people might have quite an amount of doubts, and clarifications." she added.

" So, I might only need to give an explanation in layman terms."

"How many days will you need to work on the tests?" she asked, finally taking a break from her nonstop miraid of question and answer sessions.


Yash: " Ms.Ahi...Before answering your questions-"

Ahi: " What?" she asked, an obvious irritation evident on her face.