Chapter 223: Cute

Ahi actually wished to say-for him to stay away from her, not to look at her, or even spare a glance towards her direction, and not pay any attention when it concerns her~ especially in the presence of people who know her identity. 

But she felt all these words constrict in her throat, unable to voice them out, no matter how cold and ruthless she wanted to be, to him.

Shutting her eyes close, tightly, " I am really sorry." she repeated.

Aja: His long legs were no longer crossed, just a bit apart.

Nothing escapes Aja's eye for detail...

He did notice Ahi's strange look towards his posture, and kept silent- smoothly sitting properly when she was immersed in giving her one-sided statements.

He eyed for a whole 30 seconds, while Ahi's head was slightly bowed down in a defeated way while repeating her apology to him.

" 12 hours."

" Be my wife."

" Don't act."

Ahi immediately snapped her head up, ' WHAT THE-'